Tag Archives: radionics

Psionics: The Easiest Way to Take Control of Your Life

The Power of the Mind – A Question of Belief My first introduction to psionics came about 40 years ago when I was exploring dowsing. At that time there were radionic instruments on the market that were used as aids to the dowsing process to make it more versatile, and could apparently heal and change … Continue reading Psionics: The Easiest Way to Take Control of Your Life

Radiation Immunity and Protection

With the increase in nuclear reactor leaks (particularly at Fukushima in Japan), as well as the overwhelming presence of microwaves, ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves and HAARP in the atmosphere, not surprisingly people are becoming concerned about the dangers to their health. Actually, there are a number of radiation immunity and protection solutions already available. … Continue reading Radiation Immunity and Protection