Tag Archives: power loss

Reawakening Enthusiasm, Drive and Abundance

I am focusing on these qualities — reawakening enthusiasm, drive and abundance — as they are the things most lost over the last two years.  Let’s look at the mechanism through which they are lost, and how they can be rebuilt. The Mechanism of Power Loss First of all, every time there is another disappointment, … Continue reading Reawakening Enthusiasm, Drive and Abundance

Spiritual Activism: Principles, Tools and Resources

Before looking at the spiritual activism tools that are needed, we should start by understanding the World we live in, so we can best assess when it’s appropriate to act.  Corporations and Profits We live in a capitalist society, so we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that all corporations have profit as their highest … Continue reading Spiritual Activism: Principles, Tools and Resources

Relationship Magick: What’s Blocking Your Intimate Relating?

Relationship Magick is probably the most complex topic to deal with, as it is not just about love spells, but the complex blockages people tend to put in the way. There are so many reasons why one may not feel ready for a relationship, although he/she may crave one. I want to go over these blockages … Continue reading Relationship Magick: What’s Blocking Your Intimate Relating?