Tag Archives: Body Electronics

Iridology and Healing

Having studied in several schools of iridology (eye diagnosis), I want to discuss phenomena that very few will acknowledge in iridology – the healing of so-called irreversible lesions, and constructive fibre structure changes in the iris. Some iridology schools will flat out refuse to even look at the evidence. Traditionally, closed lesions in the fibres … Continue reading Iridology and Healing

The Seven Levels of Emotional Healing: Part 1

In this series of articles I explain how the emotions are stored in the organs of the body – specifically the endocrine glands – and how emotional healing can happen progressively through the levels. Every suppressed experience, thought or emotion is stored as a crystal in every DNA molecule in the body. The body is … Continue reading The Seven Levels of Emotional Healing: Part 1

Truth and Healing vs Deception and Corporate Profit

Truth and healing are two words that go very well together. In this World of corporate lies, mis-information and manipulation, it can be almost impossible to know how to safeguard ones health. I want to make you aware of some very simple scientific and practical laws that can help you cut through a lot of … Continue reading Truth and Healing vs Deception and Corporate Profit