The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

Choice is the first of our tools with which we shape our lives. It precedes beliefs, as we even have choice in the beliefs we form. Because we forget the power of choice, we stay stuck in previous choices, which keep operating until we make new choices to supersede them.

Many past choices keep us restricted. For instance, after being hurt emotionally, one may choose to never love again. Much later, even after the choice is forgotten, one may not be able to open to love. The more profound choices colour every other choice you make. For instance, if you experience lack as a child, you may have chosen to settle for less. Then later in life, however much success you have, it’s always less than you could have had.

Making New Choices

The good news is that choice supersedes itself; in other words, a new choice will always supersede the old choice, provided that it is made in the same intensity of emotion. The problem is that we tend to make our limiting choices in moments of intense emotion, as a result of trauma. These are the moments we like to forget, so the experience, and the choice we made, get pushed deep into the subconscious. This makes it very difficult to find the cause of our problems, so we may live with limitation all our lives.

There is a simple solution: the first choice we need to make is to remember. This too has to be made in the same intensity of emotion as when we chose to forget. Practically, this begins by welcoming our emotions. We always feel something, even though we don’t always know why. By welcoming the emotion, you can begin to remember. Where people go wrong is wanting to work it all out before they allow themselves to feel, and of course, judging their feelings.

Intense emotion is a gnostic state. That’s a state where your subconscious is open and deep transformation and transcendence become possible. As your heart and mind open, your Higher Self becomes close and will give you whatever choice you make, whether that choice is to expand or diminish yourself. So when, under trauma, you made a quick survival choice, it was never well thought out, and became a limitation. When you let yourself go back into that emotion, you can make a new choice; a smarter choice. Then once again, your heart and mind open and your higher self gives you that choice.

Healing shame - often passed on to children

For example, if you were neglected as a child, you may have felt pain and loneliness, and chose to give up on love. A new choice might be to move on and find love elsewhere. Or if you made the choice to shut yourself away and not communicate, the new choice could be to move on and find those you can communicate with. If you were brought up with lack, and chose to settle for what you had, the new choice could be to reach for the most you can get, and to keep searching until you find it.

Sometimes a choice has consequences that at first are not obvious. For example, nobody chooses to be a loser, but to be a winner there are certain requirements. You need to be responsible, willing to act, willing to feel and willing to learn from your mistakes. So, if you made such choices as not feeling, giving up when you fail, or waiting for someone else to provide what you want, then you need to make new choices to feel, learn and keep trying, take responsibility for yourself etc, before you can become a winner. Although you wouldn’t have chosen to be a loser, those other choices are making you one.

Dimensions of Choice

This brings us to the topic of dimensions of choice. A one-dimensional choice defines the point. A two-dimensional choice defines the area. In the above example, to be a winner would be the one-dimensional choice. The two-dimensional choices are to act, to learn from your mistakes, to feel and to be responsible. Every one-dimensional choice requires two-dimensional choices to back it up, otherwise you don’t follow through and the choice fails.

As a simple example, if you choose to be healthy, that’s a one-dimensional choice. The two-dimensional choices are all the things you do to be healthy, such as improving your diet, exercising, getting enough rest, dealing with stress etc. It’s obvious that you can’t get healthy just by making the one-dimensional choice. On the other hand, if you make the two-dimensional choices without first choosing to be healthy, you will give up on the way because there is a lack of purpose.

This brings us to the three-dimensional choices; those that have depth. These are the choices around what your life is all about. They give depth and meaning to the other choices. For example, why do you want to be healthy? If you have purpose, then you have something to be healthy for. Purpose is also a choice. Too many people are asking “what is my purpose” because they haven’t yet chosen it. Think about what moves you, what is really worth living for, what will give you the deepest fulfillment, and let these things guide your choice of purpose.

Unfortunately, we also make three-dimensional choices that are restricting. These are less obvious, but colour every other choice you make. The above example of settling for less is a three-dimensional choice, as it affects every other choice, meaning you will have less than you could have in every area of life. Other negative three-dimensional choices are the choice not to participate, not to learn, not to try, or the choice to make excuses rather than improve. These are the most important choices to change, as they have far-reaching effects.

Tools for Changing Choices

OK, let’s look at some simple tools for recognising and changing choices. As mentioned above, start by welcoming your emotions. Around each restrictive choice there is something frustrating you. Fully feel these emotions. Get as emotional as you like about all the details of your problems. Then just welcome the emotions. As you welcome them, you begin to expand, and you gradually remember past traumas. You will remember the oppressive atmosphere in which you had to make a choice. Then remember the choice. In that same intensity of emotion, make your new choice. Feel your Higher Self surrounding you, and know that the new choice is done, and from here you change.

When there are choices you have pushed away so much that you can’t access them, we have a technique of working with the forbidden zone in your subconscious. This is where you store everything you never wanted to see again. Your subconscious responds by hiding it from you. You can compare it to when you want to give up a habit, say chocolate, and you give your last box of chocolates to a friend and instruct them not to give it to you, no matter how much you ask. Then later when you want the chocolate, surprise surprise, they won’t give it to you. In the same way, your subconscious won’t give you what you have instructed it not to.

So, there will be a forbidden zone where these things are stored. As soon as you enter, you will begin to feel the oppressive atmosphere in which those choices were made. First, feel the atmosphere. Then feel the need to make a choice. Then you will remember the choice.

Going Further into the Power of Choice

I can’t describe it in any greater detail in this blog, but I go into more depth on the power of choice, and guide a meditation into the subconscious and into the Forbidden Zone, in my Ultimate Healing course, and also go deeper into choice in the Ritual and High Magick course.

See also my Magickal Membership for short workshops covering some of the issues mentioned in this article e.g., ‘Finding Your Soul Purpose’, ‘Magickally Healing Trauma’ and ‘Choosing to be a Winner’

Changing these limiting choices will free up many areas of your life. It’s easy enough to do, yet the changes made are permanent, so go ahead and unleash your full potential.

I will be going deeper into the Power of Choice on the Public Questions & Answers Call on Saturday, 8 January at 12pm UK time – see here for Zoom link.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Choice”

  1. Hi Peter, this is relevant for me now in my healing journey. With emotionally unavailable parents growing up I learnt to repress my needs and being empathic, serve everyone elses. I am now stepping into my power with a good psychotherapist and am moving on to taking control and living my potential.

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